A dream fulfilled
In Guwahati, the community you partner with, a young girl’s passion for martial arts paves the way for her to attend college.
Children leading the way
In Alwar, the community you partner with, children are working together to break down social barriers in a village once marked by division.
Renewed hope for a single mother
In Gweri, the community you partner with, a single mother resurrects her dreams for her children with the help of her teenage son.
Happier, healthier futures
In Dungarpur, the community you partner with, parents are learning to help their children recover from malnutrition and thrive.
Sponsoring a child changed my life
Five individuals from coast to coast. Five people with five different motivations. Five women and men with a heart to see the world’s most vulnerable children thrive. For these five Canadians, World Vision child sponsorship was the answer.
Reading isn’t just a skill, it’s a habit
Zambian children’s reading levels are low, what are teachers and parents to do? Reading clubs work to change the game of reading for kids.
A child is a child
How one woman’s desire to teach her grandchild about kindness created a bond between two girls in two different parts of the world.
Anamul finds his voice
Anamul is from a small town where kids are taught to be silent. When he gets involved in leadership, he learns to use his voice for others.
Cultivating fruit, veggies and family values
Omar, 38, talks about the agricultural association that’s helping families eat well, provide for their kids and cultivate strong values.
Former sponsored child inspires others
Israel lives and works in the capital, but every holiday he returns to Hluvuko, the place that shaped him into the person he is today.
A sponsor’s special surprise
When Sapana gets word that her sponsor has purchased a goat, it’s the tipping point for real change in her life.
Salvador hopes he’s made his sponsor proud
“I am giving back,” Salvador says, “because someone I haven’t even met also invested in me while I was growing up—my sponsor.”
Educate a girl and see where she’ll go
If it wasn’t for her sponsor, Rose may never have gone to school. Today she has a diploma, a good job and strong prospects for the future.
Change Makers What my time in Ghana taught me about resilience

Ten years ago, my life completely changed while working in Buduburam Refugee Camp, Ghana. To have the opportunity to return to Ghana last fall, once again changed me forever. As a child sponsorship ambassador, I am privileged to share these stories.

From the Field A mother's strength and hope
Olivia wants the best for her two children, Julio and Tito. Julio wants to be a teacher one day and it is Olivia’s dream to see her son achieve his goal.
From the Field These young women are paving the way for youth participation in Bolivia
As members of a youth network supported by World Vision, Viviana, Giovanna and Beatrice have changed lives in the community of Nueva Esperanza, Bolivia.
Voices The 14-year-old charcoal maker
Robert’s favourite video game is League of Legends. Like most 14-year-old boys, he could spend countless hours playing it. But there’s one big thing that sets Robert apart from other boys his age — he makes charcoal for a living. 
From the Field Our favourite photos of 2017
Check out this year's seasonal snapshots: World Vision Canada's highlight reel!
Change Makers Four things I learned from spending Christmas far from “home”
A sandy Christmas can look pretty different from a white Christmas. But the spirit of giving and spending time with family is the same wherever you are.
From the Field Get a goat give a goat: Rosemary's gifts keep giving

You may remember that last year we shared the story of Rosemary, a plucky sponsored child whose life was changed when her family received goats through World Vision’s gift catalogue. Well, her story didn't end there!

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Displaying results 21-40 (of 73)