In the News What is happening in Afghanistan – and why?
Afghanistan’s humanitarian disaster is staggering in both scope and scale. By early 2022, more than half the country’s people – 24.4 million in total – were in dire need. Ninety-five per cent of all Afghans lacked enough to eat, with women and children most cruelly affected.
Change Makers Learning from disrupted learners: A new anthology from the Refugee Education Council
The stories written by the Refugee Education Council of 2021 shed light on the lived experiences of displaced children and youth.
In the News 10 major causes of poverty and how we can help solve them
Poverty remains a serious threat to the lives and well-being of people globally. This article discusses the main causes of poverty plaguing the world today.
Change Makers Child soldiers: a conversation with General Romeo Dallaire
Romeo Dallaire talks about his lifelong mission to rally the global community to stop the recruitment and abuse of tens of thousands of children in armed conflicts around the world.
From the Field Gender equality: A recipe for success in development programming
What are the ingredients for long-lasting gender equality across the world? Get the breakdown from the experts—we sourced these key strategies from 10 years of programming.
Change Makers Refugee education needs refugee voices
The new Global Refugee Education Council will inform and strengthen the Government of Canada’s commitments to addressing the growing global displacement crisis.
In the News 8 facts about international development assistance
International development assistance is the deployment of resources to economically-disadvantaged areas to reduce and eliminate the root causes and effects of poverty.
In the News 2021: An unprecedented year in review
A recap of the key moments in 2021 and how World Vision teams served the world’s most vulnerable children.
In the News Nutrition for Growth Summit results in $27 billion committed to fight malnutrition
Nutrition for Growth Summit in Tokyo, Japan aims to prevent and treat malnutrition
Change Makers Five ways to practice self-care during the holidays
The holiday season can often be overwhelming. Here are five tips you can use to care for yourself amidst the busyness.
Change Makers The shadow pandemic of violence against women and girls
Christine Amisi of the Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, DRC talks about holistic care for survivors of sexual violence with Michael Messenger to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
In the News The Good Holiday Shopping Guide
Holiday shopping can be more enjoyable when you buy from brands that support fair labour practices. Check out products certified by Fairtrade Canada.
From the Field Preventing premature births is a community effort
On World Prematurity Day, read these stories from World Vision's Born On Time program that show how the work of preventing unhealthy births continues with local communities.
In the News Infant mortality: tragic, unjust … and usually preventable
The loss of every child is heartbreaking. The risk of such a tragedy is disproportionately high for people struggling against poverty.
In the News Women and girls are being left behind in the race to survive climate change
As the World Leaders Summit on Climate Change (COP26) ends, world leaders must take action to help the poorest countries adapt to climate change and turn the tide on a devastating hunger crisis.
From the Field The many faces of Christmas around the world
Children all over the world celebrate Christmas. Learn more about different Christmas traditions in different countries.
In the News Why is education important and how does it affect one’s future?
Education is an important part of life regardless of one’s gender, race, or social class. This article explains why and how education affects one’s future.
In the News Five tough places to be a girl right now
Poverty, conflict, and disaster push women and girls to another level of danger. Read about some of the toughest places to be born a girl.
In the News Hunger is now killing more people than COVID-19
A recent World Vision report found that since the pandemic was declared, soaring food prices combined with lockdown-induced job losses and disrupted nutrition services have made healthy food out-of-reach for 3 billion people.
In the News Destroyed, alienated, enslaved: education under attack
The International Day to Protect Education from Attack highlights statistics like 75 million 3-to-18-year-olds live in countries where education is being disrupted by violence.
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