Nawagattegama Area Program

Program Type

Community Development

Planned Life Cycle

2010 - 2025


Sri Lanka

Areas of Focus

Education | Livelihoods 

Program Timeline

Status: Active


1,107people participated in activities aimed at supporting child protection and ending violence against children


823children and youth participated in groups and clubs, gathering with peers to develop new skills and positive values


558people were actively involved in savings groups, providing them with financial literacy training and access to small loans

A white jeep driving through a muddy path, featuring a rainbow and trees in the background.

Program Details


The Nawagattegama community is located about 130 km from Colombo, the capital city, in Sri Lanka's "dry zone. The area is characterized by frequent drought. Average annual temperatures range from 28℃ to 34℃. These dry conditions make life very difficult for community members, nearly all of whom live off the land and grow crops that rely on rainfall. Some farmers have access to irrigation for their crops but many do not.

Heavy resettlements in this area about two decades ago boosted the population significantly, and there is not enough water to meet basic family and farming needs, even for those with access to irrigation. Almost 90% of families lack a safe water supply and only 27% have latrines. This means that children's health is at risk from waterborne and hygiene-related diseases, such as diarrhea.


Despite a national literacy rate of nearly 91%, rural areas like Nawagattegama lack school facilities and resources. The district is considered one of the most marginalized in the country. Qualified teachers try to avoid coming to rural areas like this, so those who do teach are often not well trained.

Existing preschools are not able to meet children's needs, and basic teaching and learning materials are needed in almost every school. Getting to school can be difficult for students as well.

Opportunities for secondary education are severely limited. Few parents were able to complete formal education themselves, and it is often difficult for them to appreciate the value of schooling for their own children. This is especially true when financial constraints demand that more family members contribute to household income.

Government health care services available are insufficient to meet the needs of community members in Nawagattegama. There is only one rural hospital in the area, and it lacks necessary equipment. This means that many people must travel long distances to receive medical attention.

Maternal and child health clinics are few and far between and poor nutrition is common, due to harvests that have been affected by drought.

Water and Sanitation
People's health in Nawagattegama has been further undermined by unsafe drinking water, which leaves children in particular prone to waterborne diseases. The community also lacks proper sanitation and hygiene practices and facilities, which increases the risk of contracting preventable illnesses.

Economic Development

About 96% of community members work as subsistence farmers, but they face many obstacles that prevent them from enjoying good harvests. Few have the entrepreneurial skills training they need to effectively market their products, while poorly maintained roads and transportation services make it difficult for them to get their produce to market in the first place.

Alternative income-generating opportunities are virtually non-existent in Nawagattegama, which limits families abilities to provide for their needs. Families often do not have enough to eat, let alone a surplus of agricultural product to sell for income.
An image of children sitting on the ground in a classroom, writing in workbooks.


Unless otherwise stated, data presented on this page reflects the most up-to-date results of World Vision Canada programs reported between October 2022 and September 2023, and any previous fiscal years available. Previously reported data may not match the current presentation as we continuously receive and refine data from our programs. If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us.