Impact Stories

Meet some of the local heroes in the countries where the ENRICH:1000 Day Journey project was implemented. Their stories of resiliency will give you a glimpse of the impact made and the resulting transformation.

Health & Nutrition
Florence crosses a river on her way to work as a community health advisor 
Health & Nutrition
Ma Hla Hla, a public health supervisor is breaking down barriers to health access.
Health & Nutrition
Magnei traveling home after visiting a World Vision-supported health clinic to seek treatment for her daughter Dottoh.
Gender Equality
Rehema is carrying her child on her chest.
Gender Equality
A picture of Ajmira
Gender Equality
Raymond and his wife have built a life together based on mutual respect and equity.
Sirajul walking through is field of zinc rice which he grows and provides to pregnant women in the community
Vincent working his field in Kenya producing biofortified sweet potatoes and beans. 
Sophia working in her field harvesting, orange-fleshed sweet potatoes

Our Partners


The work of addressing maternal and infant mortality is no easy feat. World Vision Canada worked alongside expert organizations, academics and the Government of Canada to implement the 1000 Day Journey program. Get to know our partners.

Nutrition International
Harvest Plus
The University of Toronto

 The Government of Canada

A Thank You to Our Partners. World Vision Canada worked with our partners and donors for the success of the 1000 Day Journey program. Together, we empowered health care systems in four developing nations to carry on providing essential health and nutrition services to their citizens.