In Tanzania, newborns being breastfed within an hour of birth increased from 69% to 83%.

In total, 640 health facilities were fully equipped for growth promotion and maternity care and 3,175 staff trained in gender-sensitive nutrition.

In total, 1,207 community facilitators were trained in how to prepare nutritious meals for their children and 4,421 malnourished girls and 4,392 malnourished boys were enrolled in the training.

In Tanzania, the percentage of health facilities promoting gender equality increased from 60% in 2016 to 96% in 2021 (e.g. facilities reported equal representation of men and women in the facility management committee and respect for patients’ gender preferences when choosing a healthcare provider).

Percentage of mothers of children aged 0-23 months who control (or are consulted) on the use of household income in Tanzania increased from 34.2% in 2016 to 43.9% in 2021.

In total, 36,020,724 kg of biofortified crops were harvested.  

Health & Nutrition
food supplies are organized on top of a tarp
Health & Nutrition
A young girl smiles for the camera as she washes her hands at a wash station.
Health & Nutrition
A young Nepalese boy spoons some food into his mouth.

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Our Partners


The work of addressing maternal and infant mortality is no easy feat. World Vision Canada worked alongside expert organizations, academics and the Government of Canada to implement the 1000 Day Journey program. Get to know our partners.

Nutrition International
Harvest Plus
The University of Toronto

 The Government of Canada

A Thank You to Our Partners. World Vision Canada worked with our partners and donors for the success of the 1000 Day Journey program. Together, we empowered health care systems in four developing nations to carry on providing essential health and nutrition services to their citizens.