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Meghan Vanderkruk
Project Lead, Strategic Communications

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Bangladesh factory entrance
Canada's child labour habit
The average Canadian may have a child labour habit and not even know it, warns World Vision. More than half (54%) of Canadians do not believe they consume any products made by children, according to a new Ipsos Reid poll.
March 16, 2015

Syrian refugee children in a World Vision Child-Friendly Space in Jordan
Failing grade for Syria
Three major Canadian aid agencies say warring parties and powerful states have failed to implement UNSC resolutions leading to worst year of crisis for civilians in Syria.
March 12, 2015

World Vision logo
Child-free chocolate
Canadians consume an average of 3.9kg of chocolate annually, the equivalent of 1,857 M&Ms. If that’s not enough to give you indigestion, the child labour used in chocolate production might.
February 11, 2015

Children smile and clap their hands at brightly coloured round tables
Increased funding for Iraq and Syria
The Government of Canada has announced $90 million in additional humanitarian funding for the refugee crises in Syria and Iraq. As part of this announcement, World Vision Canada has received $2.3 million for our humanitarian relief work in northern Iraq, which involves providing essential supplies and cash assistance to people who have fled the conflict zones.  
January 07, 2015

An older man in a navy blazer and light blue shirt pictured in an office with framed certificates on the walls
World Vision Canada President and CEO, Dave Toycen, to retire
The Board of World Vision Canada today announced that the organization's President and Chief Executive Officer, Dave Toycen, has decided to retire within the next 9 months, upon completion of a process to choose his successor.
September 17, 2014

World Vision logo
Humanitarian Crisis

A group of seven major international aid agencies said they face a shortfall of excess of $92 million just when the South Sudan humanitarian crisis edges closer to the risk of famine. Speaking out on the 3rd anniversary of the country’s independence they warned their aid efforts to help hundreds of thousands of people caught up in the conflict was under threat due to a lack of funds.

July 09, 2014

Bowl of chocolate
Good Chocolate Guide helps Canadians shop ethically this Valentine's Day
Today World Vision launched its Good Chocolate Guide to help Canadians shop for Valentine's treats they can trust not to contain any dark secrets. Whether they're on-line or in line, shoppers can use the mobile-friendly guide to find chocolate products that are ethically certified to be child-labour free.
February 05, 2014

Giant 3D canvas painting of a cocoa plantation.
Hidden Costs: child labour appears before Canadian shoppers as World Vision launches new consumer research poll
Today, in the heart of Toronto’s shopping district, World Vision brought scenes of child labour to Canadian consumers and released the findings of a new Ipsos Reid poll. The research confirmed that a majority of Canadians feel responsible for protecting children from exploitative child labour—one of the “hidden costs” in the products we buy.
January 25, 2014

Keota, 11, stacking bricks in the very hot brick factory.
Canadians ignore child slavery
A new poll released today reveals that Canadians feel conflicted about child labour and how they may be fueling the tragedy.
July 16, 2013

World Vision logo
How did Canada do at the G8?
As Prime Minister Harper headed to Northern Ireland for the G8, World Vision called on Canada to do five things at the G8​. How did they do? 
June 18, 2013

Child actors sew in storefront for #nochildforsale campaign.
Storefront stunt puts child labour in public eye of Canadians
This morning after advertising a secret sale in Toronto and Vancouver, World Vision staff ripped off the brown paper of two storefronts to reveal a shocking display of child actors portraying child labourers sewing and breaking bricks. 
June 12, 2013

Girl sorting through rocks
Canadians would pay more for ethical options
Growing numbers of Canadians  are willing to pay more for products that are free of child labour, according to a poll released just prior to the World Day Against Child Labour (June 12).
June 10, 2013

Boy collecting rocks.
5 things you need to know about children and mining
5 Things You Need to Know About Children and Mining is a complementary resource for World Vision’s report about children working as artisanal miners in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Child Miners Speak
May 13, 2013

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