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Lisa Sorge
Director, Strategic Communications​
m 647-922-9135

Press Releases & Resources

People are gathered around, and emergency vehicles are present in a scene with a large fire in a residential area, with thick black smoke rising into the sky.
Canadian charities launch urgent appeal for Lebanon – Government of Canada will match donations
As the humanitarian situation in Lebanon continues to deteriorate rapidly —with more than 1,600 people killed, more than 9,700 injured and an estimated one million people fleeing violence—World Vision Canada in partnership with the Humanitarian Coalition has launched an urgent appeal for donations to respond to the escalating humanitarian needs.
October 09, 2024

A Rohingya girl carries her toddler brother in a camp.
Ration cuts accelerating hunger crisis, leading to increased child marriage, sexual violence, child trafficking and suicidal thoughts
A new report by World Vision shows that ration cuts in refugee settlements are highly increasing hunger crises and mental health issues.
June 11, 2024

A smiley girl using glasses and dressed formally stands in a school corridor full of children.
World Children's Day 2023 - Children’s rights are under attack
Children’s rights are under attack. We urgently need them involved in peace processes now more than ever before.
November 20, 2023

Six children outside a destroyed building.
Ongoing conflict in occupied Palestinian territory and Israel
International Christian humanitarian aid agency, World Vision, is responding to escalating needs in the West Bank as the crisis in occupied Palestine territory (oPt) and Israel continues.
October 17, 2023

An orange heart on a black background with an ask to pray for the safety of children.
Pray for the safety of children in Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territory

World Vision Canada is saddened by the loss of lives and suffering that this crisis has triggered, including children. We are deeply concerned by the impact of the violence on children in Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territory along with the deteriorating humanitarian situation.

October 10, 2023

A World Vision staff bends down to speak with a child sitting beside their mother in Afghanistan, with their faces obscured.
Aid for Afghanistan Coalition welcomes passing of Bill C-41
The Aid for Afghanistan Coalition reacts to the passing of Bill C-41, a pivotal bill allowing for humanitarian aid to be delivered to Afghanistan.
June 20, 2023

A group of South Sudanese children sit on a mat on the ground outside, eating food.
Canadian charities unite to respond to humanitarian crisis in East Africa
The Canadian government is matching donations to the Humanitarian Coalition's efforts to respond to the hunger crisis happening in east Africa, up to $5 million.
June 05, 2023

A mother picks potatoes with her children in a field.
World Vision-led project receives $41 million to transform nutrition, empower women and promote gender equality
World Vision partners with international and local organizations in a new seven-year project aiming to improve nutrition and gender equality.
May 26, 2023

A young Asian boy reaches up to handle a net filled with small fish.
World Vision applauds successful passing of Bill S-211 to fight forced and child labour in supply chains
World Vision Canada applauds the passing of Bill S-211, a landmark legislation that will help combat forced labour and child labour in Canadian supply chains.
May 04, 2023

Hajer, a young girl wearing blue, holds and reads a blue book.
Budget 2023 undermines Canada’s standing in the world, as government backpedals on aid commitment, says coalition of NGOs
Alongside a coalition of over 80 NGOs, World Vision Canada expresses disappointment towards the Government of Canada's decision to decrease foreign aid in the 2023 federal budget.
March 28, 2023

A pair of eyes painted on Carling Jackson's mural gaze out.
National mural project to highlight millions of children trapped in child labour
Renowned artist Carling Jackson has teamed up with Canadian youth leaders to produce a mural to support the fight against child labour through World Vision Canada's No Child For Sale campaign.
March 28, 2023

An Afghan woman in a hijab carries her son to a doctor in a clinic.
#AidforAfghanistan coalition of 18 organizations responds to government plan to amend Criminal Code
Alongside 17 other organizations through the #AidForAfghanistan campaign, World Vision Canada responds to the Government of Canada's announcement about a new amendment to the Criminal Code.
March 09, 2023

Men standing on rubble, some lifting large pieces of concrete
Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Media Kit
World Vision Syria Response has been operating inside Syria, Jordan and Turkey since 2011. We provide lifesaving protection, education, WASH and health services to refugees and local communities, impacted by the ongoing conflict. The response team comprises 187 staff and volunteers working with 21 local partners in Turkey, Syria and Jordan.
February 07, 2023

A building lies in ruins, with a few people scavenging through the rubble.
Canadian charities unite to respond to earthquake in Turkey and Syria
Leading Canadian humanitarian agencies are coming together to raise funds for communities impacted by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
February 06, 2023

Geovanni tills soil in his family's field, wearing a blue shirt and a red cap.
Report: Canadian imports of products that may contain child or forced labour hits $48-billion
Canadian imports of goods linked to child labour rose over 30 per cent in the last five years—a problem made worse by COVID, conflict and climate change.
January 24, 2023

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