
May 02, 2023

Lifesaving nutrition for Naqeeb

Naqeeb is two years old, born and raised in Afghanistan. Since birth, he has struggled with chronic malnutrition.

“We were happy with the gift of Almighty Allah,” says Naqeeb’s father, Habibullah. “Saving Naqeeb’s life was a challenge for everyone.”

Insecurity and conflict drove Naqeeb’s family from their home to an internally displaced persons settlement in Herat. At the camp, their access to sufficient and healthy foods—and their living conditions—declined.

“When I was pregnant, it was really tough to get enough vitamins and energy from the food that was available to us,” says Naqeeb’s mother Mahbibi, who is 18.

They were hopeful when World Vision began a malnutrition program for young children in their settlement. When Mahbibi took Naqeeb to the clinic, he weighed only 16 pounds.

At that weight, Naqeeb qualified for treatment using ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF), an energy-dense micronutrient peanut paste that is often life saving for children with severe acute malnutrition. Mahbibi learned to prepare and manage the treatment at home. Meanwhile, Naqeeb had ongoing checkups from World Vision healthcare professionals, who monitor the children’s progress and adjust their treatment accordingly.

“Naqeeb’s family was very concerned about his well-being,” recalls Mansoora, his nutrition nurse. “He did the treatment for 49 days. We also provided medical advice to his family to help improve his health as he grows.”

On his last day of treatment, Naqeeb weighed almost 20 pounds and showed stronger vitals and an overall improvement in his health.

“We are delighted that our son is back to health with the support of World Vision,” says Naqeeb’s father. “We could not afford to buy nutritious food or provide the necessary medical care for our children. I greatly appreciate World Vision’s help treating my child and providing him with RUTF supplements.”

Because of Canadian gift-in-kind RUTF donations, 625 children experiencing acute malnutrition have been treated in Naqeeb’s settlement. *

*Disclaimer: Donation from a previous shipment programmed in Afghanistan during this reporting period. Due to sanctions, World Vision Canada is currently unable to further support activities in Afghanistan.

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