Emergency relief preserves futures

Responding to Emergencies

It happened in countries all around the world in 2018. A series of disasters – both natural and man-made – threatened to crush children’s dreams for the future. With your generous support, World Vision helped keep those dreams intact. 
In Palu, Indonesia, nine-year-old Alif survived a double-disaster in his coastal fishing community. On the evening of September 28, 2018, the port was bustling as usual. Ships rocked gently toward the shore, fishermen unloaded their catch and parents bought fish for their families.
Up on the hillside, Alif tucked into his supper…dumplings. Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently beneath him. It was a 7.5 magnitude earthquake.
“All our buildings were moving shockingly,” Alif remembers. “I did not eat my dumplings any longer.” Voices shouted that the sea water was rising. Alif ran for his life, scrambling with the other villagers toward higher ground.
From atop the hill, Alif watched the unthinkable happen. A giant tsunami wave generated by the quake was hurtling toward the shore, breaking all the laws of physics.
“I saw a big ship rising right up to the ground,” remembers Alif. That oversized wave pummeled homes, shops and boats, shattering families’ livelihoods. Terrified, Alif spent the night in a tent.
The next morning, the port was a scene of quiet devastation. Alif’s school building lay silent and broken. A structure normally ringing with eager, chattering voices would be off-limits for many months to come.
Thanks to your partnership, World Vision was there to help. We provided child-friendly spaces where kids could continue with their studies. We also provided relief supplies like food, clean water and shelter. The children are alive, as is their hope.
“I want to go back to school,” Alif says, declaring that he wants to serve his country someday. The earthquake had destroyed his school, but it failed to crush his dreams.