Our reasons why - a story from Carol Hyatt


Carol Hyatt

a woman plays with a white dog.
Carol Hyatt, World Vision Canada child sponsor

I first heard about World Vision through the media, decades ago. At the age of 40 I lost my mother from a heart attack.   The grief was unbearable. I felt alone.  I had no husband and was childless.  But I had purchased a Bichon Frise the previous year with the option of breeding her. She became my best friend.  I could not have loved a creature more and knew having a human child without a husband was nothing I wanted to handle.  The decision to sponsor my first World Vision child was made the same year my mother passed.

When this amazing boy from Africa became an adult years later, I was assigned another boy. When things became more difficult financially, I asked a friend to share the sponsorship. That boy also grew up to be an amazing adult.  Then I was assigned another child, a baby girl from Georgia. Sponsoring a child is a beautiful thing.  Things were difficult financially, but this baby girl had a puppy dog picture on her shirt.  How could I resist? 

My children here in Canada are my Bichon Frise. But I am proud to have sponsored three children through World Vision and would highly recommend sponsorship to others, whether they have human children of their own or not.

Thank you for this privilege World Vision Canada.

We are so grateful for your steadfast generosity and how you care for the world’s children. Would you consider sponsoring another child at this time? You already know how child sponsorship changes lives; if you’re interested in making that happen for another child, please visit our website.