Follow the journey of a gift this Christmas (with a honey bee as your guide!) 

Nov 12, 2020
Honey, you may think that lasting change for the world’s poorest people all starts with the people who give. And it’s true that little would be possible without the loving kindness of big-hearted Canadians like you.

But that ‘dream of change’ is first conceived on the other side of the world, thousands of kilometres from here. 

It’s born in some of the world’s toughest places – in cities overwhelmed by poverty or rural communities where no rain has fallen for months. It’s spoken out loud by families gathering around the fire at night, each member dreaming of how things could be. 

a group of children in Zambia gather around a fire.

I haven’t been part of those conversations – or the ones that happen later between adults, after the kids have gone to bed. But I know what I’d say to my husband if we had to face poverty every day. 

“They went to bed hungry again. I don’t want them to grow up like this! We’ve got to do something… but what? We’ve tried and tried again. What is the missing ingredient for change?” 
a black and white illustration of a bee

The dream emerges…

That’s where World Vision comes in – and you. When you donate through our Gift Catalogue, you join a hive of people committed to helping families around the world make their dreams for their children reality. Your love flies around the globe, from your heart to a community overseas. 

Sound confusing? It doesn’t need to be! Let us show you around, with the help of a humble honeybee. Keeping flying with us and we’ll show how a click of your mouse can help a community overseas achieve lasting change. 

          a black and white illustration of a bee

Gathering to share their hopes…

When World Vision first reaches out to a community in need, families like the ones I mentioned are invited to planning meetings. People in countries like Afghanistan, El Salvador and Zambia arrive at these gatherings with their hopes and needs. World Vision staff greet them warmly and invite them to get comfortable. 

A group gathers in Lesotho. They sit outside on chairs and everyone is wearing a hat.

And the conversations begin! Leaders in the community give World Vision staff an overview of the needs in their area. Parents share their personal experiences of striving and loss and their most fervent hopes. World Vision staff listen and take notes. From these conversations, strategies for change will emerge. 

At this early stage, the ideas that World Vision and communities are considering together aren’t usually as specific as the Bees and Beekeeping Kits you see in the Gift Catalogue. 

But as meetings unfold, it often becomes clear that families in a community need livelihoods – often, something different from what they’ve tried before. And perhaps their climate is just right for busy, buzzing bees. 
a black and white illustration of a bee                           

The ideas take flight… 

…and make their way to Canada! That’s where you become part of something extraordinary, just by choosing a gift from the World Vision Gift Catalogue for a friend or family member. 

In Canada, World Vision teams have been planning the offerings for this year’s Gift Catalogue gifts since last year. They’ve been looking at the needs of different communities around the world and figuring out which gifts could make the most difference in certain regions. They consider factors like climate and how many Canadians are likely to choose a specific gift. 

World Vision Canada teams identify countries that make sense for certain gifts. We plan to use this year’s Bees and Beekeeping Kits from Canadians to support programs in El Salvador, where bees are more than happy to do their sweet thing. 

a black and white illustration of a bee                                                    a black and white illustration of a bee                      a black and white illustration of a bee                     a black and white illustration of a bee               

Your gift joins many others…

In Canada, World Vision staff pool your Gift Catalogue donation with those of other Canadians who’ve chosen the same gift. 

This means more resources for staff in countries like El Salvador to purchase their supplies locally for a good price. And more families in the same community learning beekeeping together, supporting one another as they connect with local markets.

A group of Kenyan beekeepers check their hives

Delivering your gift…

With the proceeds of the Gift Catalogue, World Vision teams in countries overseas deliver supplies, help set them up, and train families as needed.  Something like beekeeping may be new to many families.

a black and white illustration of a bee                    

It takes courage and patience to learn something new – not to mention the odd sting!  But your gift helps families broaden their horizons and create fresh opportunities. 

Two Honduran beekeepers check their hives. They are wearing white protective suits and hold a tin with smoke coming from it.

Because you gave…

…parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who become beekeepers can do more for the children in their lives. Beekeepers can produce 50 kilos or more of honey a year to sell or trade. That’s a lot of income for food, home repairs and school fees. 

Children who are well-nourished and educated can one day do more for their own children and their entire community. And purchasing the materials locally contributes to the economies in areas where children live.  

        a black and white illustration of a bee 

The joyful business of beekeeping 

You may think Christmas morning in your house is a big deal. Just imagine the excitement children feel, in countries around the world, on the day their Gift Catalogue items arrive. 

Wherever the Gift Catalogue delivers, gifts like Beekeeping Supplies and Beehives are that missing ingredient for families who’ve dreamed of creating different lives for their children. 

Not to mention, some well-deserved honey to enjoy together. Talk about spreading the joy! 

A young Honduran girl tastes fresh honey from the comb

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