Change Makers 5 ways to donate school supplies for kids

September marks the return to school for millions of children around the world. For some kids, the transition back into the classroom is easier because they have the supplies (things like books, notebooks, pencils, and backpacks) they need to enter the school year with confidence. 

Change Makers What my time in Ghana taught me about resilience

Ten years ago, my life completely changed while working in Buduburam Refugee Camp, Ghana. To have the opportunity to return to Ghana last fall, once again changed me forever. As a child sponsorship ambassador, I am privileged to share these stories.

From the Field A mother's strength and hope
Olivia wants the best for her two children, Julio and Tito. Julio wants to be a teacher one day and it is Olivia’s dream to see her son achieve his goal.
Voices The 14-year-old charcoal maker
Robert’s favourite video game is League of Legends. Like most 14-year-old boys, he could spend countless hours playing it. But there’s one big thing that sets Robert apart from other boys his age — he makes charcoal for a living. 
From the Field Our favourite photos of 2017
Check out this year's seasonal snapshots: World Vision Canada's highlight reel!
Change Makers Four things I learned from spending Christmas far from “home”
A sandy Christmas can look pretty different from a white Christmas. But the spirit of giving and spending time with family is the same wherever you are.
Change Makers To me, sponsorship is giving moms a helping hand
With just one glance, Safira, with her cherub cheeks and pouty lips, took up residence on our fridge, and in my heart. And with each new similarity I discovered, it became more apparent that God had placed Safira in my life for a very distinct purpose.
From the Field New home, new heart
Newlyweds Aimé and Bébé dreamed of starting a new life. But 10 years passed and still no house of their own. Until World Vision stepped in.
Change Makers How one sponsor saved a life
We like to say all child sponsors are like guardian angels, but sponsor Soraya quite literally saved the life of her sponsored child, Maria.
Change Makers When Mauro meets Arman
Mauro visits his sponsored child, Arman, bearing gifts and seeking genuine connection.
Change Makers Canadians share joy with kids in Tanzania

In September a group of Canadians collected donations provided by friends, family, colleagues, doctors, and even dentists to give to children in Tanzania. Read more about what it was like seeing those donations distributed.

From the Field Christmas sheep help families thrive in Mongolia
Dulamsuren is a 12 year-old girl in Mongolia. She lives with her family in this house, called a ger. A few winters ago, a blizzard devastated her father's herd of sheep and goats. 
Change Makers Meeting my sponsored child

Questions raced through my mind as we got closer to the remote family farm. I was about to meet my sponsored child!!

Change Makers Actress Laura Vandervoort launches jewelry line

In early 2015, Vandervoort went on the journey of a lifetime to Kenya, to see the different projects that World Vision offers the community.

From the Field 5 kids' unique journeys to school

For these five children, getting to school is no simple matter. But mountain ranges and rivers won’t stop them from getting an education. And, like their commitment to learning, our admiration for them knows no bounds. 

From the Field 12-years-old and homeless: Sonia's story

Young Sonia works long hours every day, hoping to make enough money for a few vegetables. She’s homeless and sleeps wherever she can, covered only in a thin sheet. Recently, she’s been unable to see at night – a symptom of malnutrition – and fears going blind altogether. Not to mention all the other reasons a girl on her own has to be afraid of.

Change Makers Meeting Ruben, my sponsored child

One day, about seven years ago, I was in a mall and came across a World Vision kiosk. Normally I'd just pass it by, but this time something, or should I say someone, jumped out at me. I saw a picture of the cutest little boy that instantly made me stop. Right then and there. I started sponsoring Ruben.

From the Field Birthday party for sponsored kids

Ever wonder what that extra gift for your sponsored child's birthday buys? Group birthday celebrations held once a year, like this one in El Salvador, are happening in your sponsored child's community too. With group birthdays, every child in the community gets to feel special and most of all, loved!

Change Makers 5 gifts for your sponsored child

Sponsorship is about more than just giving money to someone in need — it’s about letting children know that they’re loved!

Voices What is the cycle of poverty?
The cycle of poverty is about more than a simple lack of resources. It's a complex issue that requires digging a little deeper for sustainable solutions. Read more.
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