A reminder of the why supporters of World Vision strive to improve the lives of children and families.
Kids explain why giving is important
Kids explain why giving is important
We were there  - We will always be
World Vision began because one man was challenged by one woman to see the need of one child. Motivated by concern, love and a desire for justice, she understood that knowledge comes with responsibility and thus it requires action. One person can do something, but many, together, can make a greater impact.
In the News Locust swarms devastate East Africa
Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia are facing a [deadly] locust infestation that is threatening food supplies and decimating agricultural lands.
From the Field 8 ways we’re working to achieve the SDGs
It’s the 31st anniversary of International Development Week and we’re celebrating the steps we’re taking together to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Change Makers Silfab Solar helps unlock the power of the sun for clean water
Silfab Solar is partnering with World Vision to use solar technology to bring clean water to vulnerable communities in Somalia benefitting more than 23,000 children.
From the Field Cyclone Idai: Long-term recovery lifts off with Food for Assets
Food for Assets reached more than 161,000 individuals in Mozambique and helped empower Cyclone Idai survivors like 15-year-old Paulito and his mom to take ownership over their community’s rejuvenation.
From the Field Innovative technology is saving lives
Thanks to better detection and more rapid treatment for anemia, regions like Shinyanga will be better positioned to save the lives of more children like Jumanne every year. 
From the Field Creating equality through sport
When 16-year-old footballer Arpana, from Nawada, India, talks about the challenges of being excluded because of her gender, she’s referencing a reality for millions of Indian girls.
In the News Fair trade: what you need to know
The products we buy are sourced all over the world. Without fair trade, we could be contributing to the exploitation of workers – including children. Learn more.
In the News 2019: The year in review
As 2019 draws to a close, we’re taking stock of the year that was – the challenges we faced and the places where we see hope. Here are seven stories that had a big impact in 2019
Change Makers The ‘courageous’ mom behind the Polar Bear Dip
For the past 25 years, Gaye Courage and her sons have taken the plunge into the beautiful but frigid waters of Lake Ontario on New Year’s Day with hundreds of other enthusiastic dippers, to raise money for clean water. 
From the Field More than just healthcare
Small gifts bring big changes in the lives of mothers and their babies.
Voices The Christmas gift I needed the most
When Dan Wilcox was 12 years old, he unwrapped a gift that changed his outlook on life. 
Voices Three ways to show your kids what generosity is all about amid this COVID-19 Christmas
Generosity is a learned behaviour, and Christmas is the perfect time to start. Here are three ways to show your children the joy that comes from helping others.
Voices Martine advocates for children in dangerous places
16-year-old Martine is advocating for vulnerable children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the world’s most dangerous places.
Voices World Prematurity Day: Ending child marriage supports girls' empowerment and reduces premature birth
Assamoni, Morion and Hafcha - three teenagers in rural Bangladesh - are working to reduce preterm birth by ending child marriage.
Change Makers Too much stuff: How one small gift made a huge difference one Christmas
When Andrea started writing her Christmas wish list, she discovered she already had too much stuff! So she switched gears and asked for something a little different.
From the Field The story behind the catalogue cover girl
Get to know Bethlehem, the little girl with the infectious smile on the cover of this year's Gift Catalogue.
From the Field Why goats make the greatest gift
Goats are a popular pick with Canadians when it comes to charitable giving. Goats nourish children, grow gardens, start businesses and even save lives. Learn more.
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